Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

By kind permission of IMTO


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Ḥaḍramitic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2.7 to 4.5
Textual typologyConstruction text


   1  ʾs¹dm Ṯlʿn bn Qwmm ↯ʿbd ʾlʿḏ Ylṭ mlk (Ḥ)—
   2  ḍrmt bn ḥwr hgrhn S²↯bwt qtdm hgr—
   3  hn S¹mrm grbt-(ṯ w)-nhmt-ṯ (w)-↯hyʿ-ṯ bn r—
   4  bbm ʾd s²qrm (w)-mbrʾ w-ʾgs¹↯m s¹y-ṯ b-mwṣt
   5  (w)-tḥrg mrʾ-s¹ ʾbyṯʿ S¹l↯(ḥ)n bn Ḏmrʿl(y)
   6  qdm gys² Ḥḍrmt b-(ʾr)ḍ S¹ʾk(l)(n) |

1Letter k is dextrograde.
2hgrn (Avanzini 2002, misprint?).
4s¹y-ṯ (Pirenne), rightly corrected as s¹y-ṯ by Beeston.
6Avanzini 2002 reads: S¹ʾkl[h]n, but on the stone there is S¹ʾkln (all the previous editors read in fact so. See also, lastly, Frantsouzoff). The former writing is used in all other Ḥaḍramitic occurences, but the latter is found in late Sabaic.



   1  ʾs¹dm Ṯlʿn son of Qwmm, servant of ʾlʿḏ Ylṭ king of
   2  Ḥaḍramawt, inhabitant of the city of Shabwa, directed the construction works of the town of
   3  Sumhuram, of its rough-hewn stones and its polished stones and its hyʿ, from foundation
   4  to top, and the construction and the structures of its s¹y, by the order
   5  and the authority of his lord ʾbyṯʿ S¹lḥn son of Ḏmrʿly,
   6  chief of the troops of Ḥaḍramawt in the land of S¹ʾkln.

   1  ʾAsadum Talʿan, son of Qawmum, servant of ʾIlʿaḏ Yaluṭ, king
   2  of Ḥaḍramaut, of the inhabitants of the town of Šabwa, undertook according to the plan the town of
   3  Samāramm, its siting and the levelling of the ground and its flow (of water) from
   4  virgin soil to its putting in order. The creation and realisation were on the initiative
   5  and by the order of his master ʾAbyaṯaʿ Salḥin, son of Ḏamarʿalay,
   6  who is commander of the army of Ḥaḍramaut, in the country of Sākalan.
2-5"supervised operations at the town Samhar, namely its quarring and its stone-dressing and its hyʿ, from groundwork to top/completion together with the mbrʾ and the ʾgs¹m of the work on it, on the initiative" (Beeston).
Pirenne 1975: 82Pirenne, Jacqueline 1975. The Incense Port of Moscha (Khor Rori) in Dhofar. The Journal of Oman Studies, 1: 81-96.
Beeston 1976 c: 41Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. The Settlement at Khor Rori. The Journal of Oman Studies, 2: 39-41.

   1  Asadum Ṯalʿan, Sohn des Qawwāmum, Diener des Ilʿaḏḏ Yaliṭ, des Königs von Ḥa-
   2  ḍramūt, von den Bewohnern der Stadt Šabwat, war vorgestanden der Stadt
   3  Samārum hinsichtlich der Bearbeitung ihrer (das heißt der dafür erforderlichen) behauenen Steine und der Bearbeitung ihrer polierten (oder gepeckten) Steine ("pecked masonry") und ihrer Errichtung vom
   4  Grund bis zur Vollendung, und dem Bau und der massiven Ausführung ihres Plans nach dem Erlaß
   5  und im Auftrag seines Herrn Abyaṯaʿ Salḥān, des Sohnes des Ḏamarʿalīy,
   6  des Auführers des Heeres von Ḥaḍramūt im Land von Saʾkalān.
2-3" - was in charge of the city Sumrâm: its scabbled stones and its hewn stones and its massive stones from bottom to top, and the fashioned stones and the sculpted stones of its midst -" (Jamme).
Müller, Walter W. 1977 a: 53Müller, Walter W. 1977. Die Inschriften Khor Rori 1 bis 4. Pages 53-56 in Hermann von Wissmann. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Jamme 1979: 82Jamme, Albert W.F. 1979. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe IX. Washington. 2019/07/23; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205328#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]

   1  ʾs¹dm Ṯlʿn son of Qwmm servant of Ilīʿadhdh Yaluṭ, king of
   2  Ḥaḍramawt, inhabitant of the city of Shabwa has directed the construction works
   3  of the city of Sumhuram, of its blocks of rough-hewn stones and its polished stones and its realization from the base
   4  to the top and the construction and the structures of its project were at the behest
   5  and order of his lord Abīyathaʿ Salḥān son of Dhamarʿalī
   6  chief of the Ḥaḍrami military detachment in the Saʾkalān land.
2-4Avanzini 2008 a: "He has directed the construction works of the city of Sumhuram, of its blocks of rough-hewn stones and its polished stones and its water-channel".
Avanzini 2002: 130Avanzini, Alessandra 2002. The construction inscriptions on the gate complex. Pages 125-140 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). Khor Rori Report 1. (Arabia Antica, 1). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini 2008 a: 636Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.

   1  ʾAsadum Ṯalʿān bin Qawwāmum, der Diener des ʾIlʿaḏḏ Yaliṭ, des Königs von
   2  Ḥaḍramawt, von den Bewohnern der Stadt Šabwat, hat der Stadt
   3  Samārum vorgestanden, und zwar ihren Steinhau (misprint for Steinbau? Ed.) - und - polierarbeiten und ihrem Fortgang (?) vom
   4  Grund bis zum Dach, sowie dem Bau und der Ausführung ähnlicher (Arbeiten) wie dieser, auf Befehl
   5  und Autorität seines Herrn ʾAbyaṯaʿ Salḥān bin Ḏamarʿalī,
   6  des Befehlshabers der Truppen von Ḥaḍramawt im Land von Saʾkalān.
Stein 2011: 178Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.


DepositUnknown, M 486
Support typeInscription on architectural structure » Gate
Measuresh. 29, w. 52
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteKhawr Rūrī
Ancient siteS¹mhrm / S¹mrm
Geographical areaSouthern Ẓufār
FoundIn situ
Archaeological contextUrban context: City gate
Link to site record


Pirenne 1975: 82-85, pl. 1Pirenne, Jacqueline 1975. The Incense Port of Moscha (Khor Rori) in Dhofar. The Journal of Oman Studies, 1: 81-96.
Beeston 1976 c: 40-41Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. The Settlement at Khor Rori. The Journal of Oman Studies, 2: 39-41.
Müller, Walter W. 1977 a: 53-54, pl. 1Müller, Walter W. 1977. Die Inschriften Khor Rori 1 bis 4. Pages 53-56 in Hermann von Wissmann. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Jamme 1979: 78, 82-84Jamme, Albert W.F. 1979. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe IX. Washington. 2019/07/23; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205328#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]
Albright 1982: 42, 87, pl. 34, fig. 62Albright, Frank P. 1982. The American Archaeological Expedition in Dhofar, Oman, 1952-1953. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 6). Washington: American Foundation for the Study of Man / Philadelphia, Pa.: Distributed by G. Allen, Bookseller.
Avanzini 2002: 128-130, fig. 3Avanzini, Alessandra 2002. The construction inscriptions on the gate complex. Pages 125-140 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). Khor Rori Report 1. (Arabia Antica, 1). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini 2008 a: 636, fig. 18Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Frantsouzoff 2009: 141, fn. 6Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 2009. The final passages in two Hadramitic inscriptions from Dhofar (Khor Rori 3 and 4), what do they really mean?. Semitica et Classica, 2: 141-145.
Prioletta 2013 b: 99, fn. 37, fig. 5Prioletta, Alessia 2013. Remarks on some processes of assimilation and innovation in the language and culture of Ḥaḍramawt during its ancient history. Aula Orientalis, 31/1: 93-108.