Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Ḥaḍramitic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyCult practice text


The textual typology of the text is peculiar: the authors deliver the oracle of the god.


   1  M(ʿ)dʾl Nmrn bn S²ʿbm w-
   2  Frys¹n((Wrys¹n)) [...]d(yhn) (s¹ns²ʾ) |
   3  w-ṣry S¹yn[ ḏ-ʾ](l)m (b)-mʿd-
   4  s¹ bn (mḥ)rm-s¹ b-(S¹ʾ)nn b-
   5  ʾrḍ S¹(ʾ)klhn (b)-Mb(s²r)m
   6  w-Rmlm w-Ms¹gʿ w-qtdm ṣ—
   7  ry-s¹ hy (T)rf ḏ-Mrs³d (ʾq)dmhn |
   8  (ʾ)d mḥrm-s¹ ʾlm b-S²bwt (b)—
   9  (n) mlk S¹mhrm mkrb Ḥḍrm(t) |

In Jamme's edition, ll. 10-11 (engraved above l. 1) are given as the end of the text. However, as Wissmann first proposed, these have to be considered as an independent inscription (see Ja 892a).
Letters n and k dextrograde and ṣ upside down throughout the text.
1Mʿdʾl or Mrdʾl (Wissmann).
2Wrys¹n (all the editors), but the first letter rather seems a f. The name could indicate a second author or a second patronymic of Mʿdʾl Nmrn.
Hʾs²dyhn (Jamme); Hʾydyhn (Wissmann); h[..]dyhn (Avanzini). The reading of the first three letters, however, remains too uncertain.
s¹fs²ʾ (Jamme, Wissmann); s¹[.]s²[.] (Avanzini). Nevertheless, the second letter can by no means be a f and seems instead a n.
4A one-letter vacuum between m and s¹ in mḥrm-s¹.
5A one-letter vacuum between l and h in S¹ʾklhn.
Ḍmbs²rm (Jamme, Wissmann); (b)-Mb[.]rm (Avanzini).
5-6The onomastic category of the thee coordinated names preceded by the preposition b- remains undefined.
6A one-letter vacuum between w and q in w-qtdm.
7The correct reading (hy Trf ḏ-Mrs³d ʾqdmhn) instead of the traditional one adopted by all the editors (h-ṯ Trf ḏ-Mrs³d ʾrdmhn) has been done by Multhoff (p.c. to the CSAI project, also cited in Stein).



   1  Mʿdʾl Nmrn son of S²ʿbm, and
   2  Frys¹n (or Wrys¹n), from (the tribe ?) [..]d, took up
   3  and was given the oracular decision of S¹yn ḏ-ʾlm, according to His promise,
   4  from His temple in S¹ʾnn, in
   5  the land of S¹ʾklhn, with (?) Mb[.]rm
   6  Rmlm and Ms¹gʿ. And he directed His oracular decision
   7  in the first year of Trf of Mrs³d
   8  in His temple of ʾlm in Shabwa, concerning (?)
   9  the property of S¹mhrm, mukarrib of Ḥaḍramawt.

   1  Maʿadʾil Nimrân, son of Šaʿabum, and of
   2  Wuraysân, the Haʾšidite, has publicly revealed
   3  and given away to Sîn, Him of ʾllum, because of His [=Sîn's] promise [given]
   4  from His temple in Saʾnan, in
   5  the country of Saʾkalhân. Dammbaširum
   6  and Ramlum and Masgiʿ. And led his
   7  guard, Hayṯ Tarif, he of (the clan) Marśad, these persons gathered together
   8  to His temple, ʾIlum, in Šabwat, at the
   9  request of the king of Sumhurâm, the moukarrib of Ḥaḍramawt.
Jamme 1967 a: 146-148Jamme, Albert W.F. 1967. Two New Hadrami Inscriptions from Zofar. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 24: 145-148.

   1  Maʿdīʾil Nimrān, Sohn des Šaʿūbum, und
   2  Wuraisān, der Huʾaiditer, hat bekanntgemacht und
   3  verkündet (das Orakel) des Siyān ḏ-Alīm an seinem (das heißt dem von ihm bestimmten) Termin
   4  von seinem Tempel in Saʾnūn im
   5  Land von Saʾkalahān betreffs Dammbaširum
   6  und Rimālum und Masgaʿ. Und es hat ausgeführt
   7  seine (Orakel)entscheidung über sie (das heißt die genannten Orte) Taraf Ḏū-Marśad, nämlich die (Errichtung der) ardām
   8  bis zu seinem Tempel Alīm in Šabwat auf Geheiß
   9  des Königs von Samahārum, des Mukarribs von Ḥaḍramūt.
Müller, Walter W. 1977 a: 27Müller, Walter W. 1977. Die Inschriften Khor Rori 1 bis 4. Pages 53-56 in Hermann von Wissmann. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

   1  Mʿdʾl Nmrn son of S²ʿbm, and
   2  Wrys¹n, of the tribe H[..]d, [...]
   3  and delivered the Sīn ḏ-ʾlm oracular decision, according to His promise (response of the oracle),
   4  from His temple in S¹ʾnn, in
   5  the S¹ʾklhn land, in Mb[.]rm
   6  Rmlm and Ms¹gʿ. Trf of Mrs³d, of the tribe Rdm, executed
   7  His oracular decision with regard to that (the S¹ʾklhn land?)
   8  in His temple of ʾlm in Shabwa, concerning (in relation to)
   9  the dominions of Sumhuram, mukarrib of Ḥaḍramawt.
2-4"And he entrusted to the protection of S¹yn ḏ-ʾlm, according to His promise coming from His temple in S¹ʾnn, in the S¹ʾkln land, Ḍmbs²rm, Rmln and Ms¹gʿ" (Frantsouzoff).
6-8"Und er (sc. der in Z. 1 genannte Autor Maʿdʾil Nimrān) hat seine Orakel-anfrage geleitet (im) ersten Eponymatsjahr des Taraf aus (der Sippe) Murāśid in seinem (sc. des Gottes Sīn) Tempel in der Stadt Šabwat" (Stein).
Avanzini 2008 a: 630Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Frantsouzoff 1998 b: 136Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 1998. O vodopol'zovanii v drevnem Vnutrennem Hadramaute. Epigrafika Vostoka, 25: 130-151.
Stein 2011: 179Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.


DepositUnknown, M 642
Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 80, w. 75
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteḤanūn
Ancient siteS¹ʾnn
Geographical areaẒufār
Link to site record


Phillips, Wendell 1966: pl. opposite p. 147Phillips, Wendell 1966. Unknown Oman. London: Longmans / New York: D. McKay.
Jamme 1967 a: 146-148, pl. II/3Jamme, Albert W.F. 1967. Two New Hadrami Inscriptions from Zofar. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 24: 145-148.
Wissmann 1977: 21, 23-28 (facsimile), 44-48, pl. 2Wissmann, Hermann von 1977. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Albright 1982: 89, pl. 40, fig. 79Albright, Frank P. 1982. The American Archaeological Expedition in Dhofar, Oman, 1952-1953. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 6). Washington: American Foundation for the Study of Man / Philadelphia, Pa.: Distributed by G. Allen, Bookseller.
Prioletta 2006: 258-259, fig. 1Prioletta, Alessia 2006. Note di epigrafia Hadramawtica 1. L'alternanza di ṯ e s³. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 29: 249-267.
Avanzini 2008 a: 630-631, fig. 12Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Stein 2011: 179Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.