Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Ḥaḍramitic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters5.7 to 6.4
PeriodD. Conjectural
Textual typologyConstruction text - fragmentary


   1  [... ...]—
   2  bhy w-[...] hgr(n)
   3  S¹mhrm (hy) (Yġ)ṯʾl |
   4  ḏ-ʾs¹lmm rbʿhn
   5  Wd-ʾb H[..] Yrḏḥ

Several points of Jamme's reading, also accepted by Beeston, cannot be in fact confirmed on the basis of the available photo. On the other hand, his reading of l. 3, which is quite well readable, is to be corrected (see below).
1-2ʿzz Nʿlyhn (ḥfr) w-(s¹)bhy (Jamme).
2w-s²wʿ ʾd hgrn (Jamme).
3hyʿ Lṯʾl (Jamme). The correct interpretation of the passage (hy as a noun, "(eponymate) year", and rbʿhn as a numeral) has been done by Multhoff (p.c. to the CSAI project). Stein, following her interpretation, correctly reads: (Y)ġṯʾl ḏ-ʾs¹lmm rbʿhn.
4ʿrg ʿhd (Jamme); ʿrg as proper name (Beeston); rbʿhn (Multhoff, see note above).
5H[ʿ]n (Jamme).



   1  ʿAzîz, the Nâʿilite, has (hol)lowed and
   2  emptied and helped in the city
   3  Sumhurâm. He has built in heavy material for Ṯaʾil,
   4  him of (the clan) ʾAslamum. He held the promise to
   5  Waddʾab Ha[ʿ](an) Yarḏiḥ.
Jamme 1967 a: 145-146Jamme, Albert W.F. 1967. Two New Hadrami Inscriptions from Zofar. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 24: 145-148.

   1  ʿZZ the NʿL-ite dug and
   2  cleared out, in discharge of his service obligations in the town of Samhar,
   3  the water-channel of LṮʾL
   4  of ʾS¹LMM ʿRG. The labour
   5  was performed under contract, by HʿN YRḎḤ.
Beeston 1975 a: 192-194Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1975. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography IX. Le Muséon, 88: 187-198.

   1  [... ...]
   2  ... and [...] the town of
   3  S¹mhrm (in) the fourth (eponymate) year of
   4  Yġṯʾl of ʾs¹lmm.
   5  Wd-ʾb H[..] Yrḏḥ.
3-4"(im) vierten Jahr des Yaġūṯʾil aus (der Sippe) ʾAslamum" (Stein).
Stein 2011: 179Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.


DepositSalālah, Museum, nos. 2+3
Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 57.2, w. 64.7
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteKhawr Rūrī
Ancient siteS¹mhrm / S¹mrm
Geographical areaSouthern Ẓufār
Notes"Found some 80 m north of the ruin of Sumhuram and on the surface" (Cleveland, reported in Jamme).
Link to site record


Phillips, Wendell 1966: 191-192, pl. IIIPhillips, Wendell 1966. Unknown Oman. London: Longmans / New York: D. McKay.
Jamme 1967 a: 145-146, pls II/1, 2Jamme, Albert W.F. 1967. Two New Hadrami Inscriptions from Zofar. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 24: 145-148.
Beeston 1975 a: 192-194Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1975. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography IX. Le Muséon, 88: 187-198.
Stein 2011: 179Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.