Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Qatabanic » Central Qatabanic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  S²krʾl bn Lḥyʿm Brnṭm Rn s¹qny Ḥwkm w-ʾlh-s¹↯ww ʾlhy bytn S²bʿn s¹qnyt w-ʾṣlm w-kl-bty ḏ(hbm) w-kl ts²rʿ-s¹m bn frʿm w-mṯbm frʿ
   2  w-ṯwb S²krʾl l-Ḥwkm w-ʾlhw bytn S²bʿn b-hgrn S²b(w)t w-ḥg↯-km tkrb-s¹ w-l-ḏtm b-y(z)ʾ ktrb-s¹ rṯd S²krʾl Ḥwkm w-ʾlh-s¹w nfs¹-s¹ w-ʾḏn-s¹ w-qny-s¹ w-ʾb-s¹ Lḥ—
   3  yʿm w-ʾḫ-s¹ Nmrm w-bn-s¹ww Rnʿm w-Mʿdʾl w-Lḥyn w-Klbm w-ʾmrʾ-s¹ Nbṭʿ↯ly w-Yṯʾkrb w-Ḏkrm bny Brnṭm w-S¹flyn b-ʿṯtr w-b ʿm w-b ʾnby w-(b)-(Ḥ)wkm w-b-mnḍḥ byt-s¹ ʿm Ryʿn
   4  w-b mrʾ-s¹ S²hr Ygl Yhrgb mlk Qtbn w-b s²ʿb-s¹ Bklm ḏ-Mrymtm w-b ʾ↯bʿl-s¹m w-b ʾḫh-s¹w ʾdm bn Brnṭm w-rṯd S²krʾl Ḥwkm w-ʾl(h)-s¹ww s¹qnyt-s¹ bn ms¹nkrm w-ms¹—
   5  fʾ↯ym bn brṯ-s¹

1bty is an hapax in the South Arabian languages. The editors suppose that it derives from the semitic root BTT "cut"; bty could be a plural form.
4ʾbʿl-s¹m: it is to be noted the use of the plural pronoun suffix related to the tribe.



   1  S²krʾl, son of Lḥyʿm, (of the family) Brnṭm Rn, dedicated to Ḥwkm and to his gods, the gods of the temple S²bʿn, the dedication, the statues, all the objects (?) in bronze and all their ornaments, from the tribute and the offering that S²krʾl paid
   2  and offered to Ḥwkm and to the gods of the temple S²bʿn in the city of S²bwt, as he asked Him for, and for what he should continue to ask Him for; S²krʾl entrusted to Ḥwkm and his gods his life, his faculties, his properties and his father
   3  Lḥyʿm and his brother Nmrm and his sons Rnʿm, Mʿdʾl, Lḥyn and Klbm, and his lords Nbṭʿly, Yṯʾkrb and Ḏkrm, of the family Brnṭm and S¹fly. By ʿṯtr, ʿm, ʾnby and Ḥwkm and by the tutelary deities of the temple of ʿm Ryʿn,
   4  and by his lord S²hr Ygl Yhrgb, king of Qatabān, and by his tribe Bklm of Mrymtm and by their owners and his brothers, the servants of the family Brnṭm. S²krʾl entrusted to Ḥwkm and his gods his dedication, against everyone who may damage and remove
   5  it from its place.
Prioletta and Arbach 2015 a: 260-261Prioletta, Alessia and Arbach, Mounir 2015. Inscriptions qatabānites inédites d’une collection privée yéménite. Semitica, 57: 243-271.


DepositṢanʿāʾ (Private collection)
Support typeArtefact » Plaque » With framework
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Modern siteHajar al-ʿĀdī
Ancient siteMrymtm
Geographical areaWādī Ḥarīb
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple S²bʿn of Ḥwkm w-ʾlhy bytn S²bʿn
Link to site record


This inscription attests for the first time the presence of people from Qataban residents in Shabwa, the capital of Ḥaḍramawt.


Prioletta and Arbach 2015 a: 255-271, figs 3/a-dPrioletta, Alessia and Arbach, Mounir 2015. Inscriptions qatabānites inédites d’une collection privée yéménite. Semitica, 57: 243-271.
al-Hajj 2015 aal-Hajj, Mohammed 2015/1436. Naqš qitbānī ǧadīd min Haǧar al-ʿĀdī - Wādī Ḥarīb. Dirāsa fī dalālāti-hā al-lughawiyya wa-l-dīniyya wa-l-taʾrīẖiyya. Maǧalla al-siyāḥa wa-l-ʾaṯār, 27/2: 163-196.