Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Avanzini 1994: 20, figs 3-4
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Qatabanic » Central Qatabanic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
PeriodB1. Conjectural
Textual typologyDedicatory text - fragmentary


The text of the first three lines is based on a photo taken by Yusuf Abdallah; the stone is broken and we have now just a fragment for the first lines. This inscription is considered a dedicatory one, but we could even consider it to be a legal text for ownership of houses, naturally placed under divine protection.
The date is conjectural, based on the palaeography.


   1  ʿṣdm bn ʿmʾns¹ bn ʿ[... ...] ʿṣdm rṯd rbʿ-s¹
   2  ḏt Ẓhrn w-ḏt Ẓ[hrn] ʿṯtr bytn Yfʿn w-ʿ—
   3  ṯtr ḏ-Mqwlm kl ʾrḍm ẓrbm w-ʾbytm s²ʾm w-qny
   4  w-bny w-ḫtwl ʿṣdm ʾṯr ʾbh-s¹ww l-s¹ w-l wld-s¹ [w-]
   5  ḏ-ʿ[ḏ]r-hw nḫln ḏ-ʾḥrm w-nḫln ḏ-Ḍyʾm w-nḫln ḏ-S¹yln w-
   6  nḫln ḏ-S²ms¹n w-nḫln ḏ-Ṣfw w-nḫln ḏ-Mḍrḥn Wynn w-n[ḫl]—
   7  n ḏ-S²ʾẓm w-ʾs¹yln ḏty Ḥbbm w-nḫlnyhn ḏwy Mlḥ w-
   8  nḫln ḏ-Mrymm w-ṯny nḥlmyw b-rbʿn Ḥryt w-bytn S²bʿn
   9  ḏ-bn Mdrrn w-bytn ḏ-bn S²hlm w-ḥṣrn ḏʾm wynm w-ḏ-s²[... ...]
  10  [... ... ](Y)fʿn kwn ʾḫh-s¹ww w-ḫṭb-hw w-gd(r)
  11  kl ʾ[... ...]b-s¹ w-l ys²rḥ ʿm w-ʾlh—
  12  w byt-s¹ ḏn qnyn

2is here accepted the reading and the interpretation by Robin 2012: 354.
8nḥlmyw could be a mistake for nḫlmyw.



   1  ʿṣdm, son of ʿmʾns¹, of [... ...] ʿṣdm has committed to his Protector
   2  ḏt Ẓhrn and to ḏt Ẓhrn the divinity of the sanctuary Yfʿn and (committed) to ʿ-
   3  ṯtr ḏ-Mqwlm any land, as a legal property, and the houses which he purchased and possessed
   4  and built and administrated, ʿṣdm, on the authority of his ancestors, for himself and for his children and
   5  his successors: the palm-grove ḏ-ʾḥrm and the palm-grove ḏ-S¹yln and
   6  the palm-grove ḏ-S²ms¹n and the palm-grove ḏ-Ṣfw and the palm-grove ḏ-Mḍrḥn Wynn and the palm-
   7  grove ḏ-S²ʾẓm and the water-courses of Ḥbbm and the two palm-groves of Mlḥ and
   8  the palm-grove ḏ-Mrymm and the two land properties in the region of Ḥryt and the house S²bʿn
   9  of the banu Mdrrn and the house of the banu S²hlm and the enclosed land of a vineyard and [... ...]
  10  [... ...]Yfʿn its kinsmen, its low rooms and the wall of
  11  all [... ...]; might ʿm and the gods of the
  12  house protect this possession.
2the translation is following Robin 2012: 354.
4for the translaton of ʾṯr "authority", see Avanzini 2004 a: 286.
Avanzini 2004 aAvanzini, Alessandra 2004. Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions I-III. Qatabanic, Marginal Qatabanic, Awsanite Inscriptions. (Arabia Antica, 2). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Robin 2012Robin, Christian J. 2012. ʿṯtr au féminin en Arabie méridionale. Pages 333-366 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). New research in archaeology and epigraphy of South Arabia and its neighbors. Proceedings of the "Rencontres Sabéennes 15" held in Moscow, May 25th –27th, 2011. Moscow: The State Museum of Oriental Art. [Annexe 1: Un réexamen de CIAS (sic!) I, 206 (Ch. Robin); Annexe 2: Trois inscriptions inédites des Missions Qatabān et Haut-Yāfiʿ (Ch. Robin, M. Arbach, A. Bāṭāyaʿ, I. Gajda, Kh. al-Ḥajj, M. Sālim, J. Schiettecatte)]


Support typeRock inscription
Link to object record


Modern siteal-Kharāb / Thāt
Ancient siteṮt
Geographical areaRadāʿ
Link to site record


Avanzini 1994: 13-20, pl. 3-4Avanzini, Alessandra 1994. Un'iscrizione qatabanica da Ṯāh. Pages 13-20 in Norbert Nebes. Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Robin 2012Robin, Christian J. 2012. ʿṯtr au féminin en Arabie méridionale. Pages 333-366 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). New research in archaeology and epigraphy of South Arabia and its neighbors. Proceedings of the "Rencontres Sabéennes 15" held in Moscow, May 25th –27th, 2011. Moscow: The State Museum of Oriental Art. [Annexe 1: Un réexamen de CIAS (sic!) I, 206 (Ch. Robin); Annexe 2: Trois inscriptions inédites des Missions Qatabān et Haut-Yāfiʿ (Ch. Robin, M. Arbach, A. Bāṭāyaʿ, I. Gajda, Kh. al-Ḥajj, M. Sālim, J. Schiettecatte)]