Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Arbach and Schiettecatte 2006: pl. 10/29


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Minaic » Central Minaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2
Textual typologyLegal text
Royal inscriptionYes


   1  ʾbkrb Yṯʿ bn Wqhʾl mlk Mʿn
   2  nḥl w-whb ʿbd-s¹ ʾgyr w-bhny ʾ[ḫ]-
   3  s¹ Ṣbyḥ bhny ʿbd ḏ-Bbn ʿbd ml[kn]
   4  ʾṣbʿ b-qbrn Mḥrm ḏt gbʾt k-mlkn [b]—
   5  n (Ḏḫ)rʾl ʿtnyn w-l yqnyn w-qtbr [b-M]—
   6  (ḥ)rm w-hrwḥt-s¹ ʾhl B(b)n ʾs¹d ngw [.]—
   7  [..] (s¹)ṭrn s¹m w-ḏ ʾṯrh-s¹m w-l yqnyn ḏ(t)
   8  (ʾ)ṣbʿn w-kl ḏ-ṣdqt b-s¹ ʾhl Bbn [... ...]
   9  [... ... n](g)w ḏn s¹ṭrn s¹m w-ḏ ʾṯrh-(s¹)[m ... ...]
  10  [... ...](s¹)m w-s¹nʾ w-ʾtmr b-s¹m ʾ(f)[... ...]
  11  [... ...]ḍm w-kn ḏt ʾṣbʿn w-qbr[... ...]
  12  [... ...](n) w-nḥltn ḏ-Nʿr ḏ-kbr(h) [... ...]
  13  [... ...]n kbr-s¹ w-mrṯd [... ...]

12it is not sure if ḏ-Nʿr is the name of a month.



   1  ʾbkrb Yṯʿ son of Wqhʾl, king of Maʿīn
   2  granted and gave to his servant ʾgyr and to the sons
   3  of his brother Ṣbyḥ, offspring of ʿbd ḏ-Bbn, servant of the king,
   4  a fraction in the tomb Mḥrm, which was handed over to the king (or, property?) by means of
   5  Ḏḫrʾl, the attendant (?). And may they possess and be buried in Mḥrm
   6  and in its extension the family of Bbn, for whom decreed [... ...]
   7  document, they and their descendants, and may they possess this
   8  fraction and all that belongs to it, the family of Bbn [... ...]
   9  [... ...] decreed this document, they and their descendants [... ...]
  10  [... ...] and there was peace (?) and agreement among them [... ...]
  11  [... ...] and this fraction and the tomb were [... ...]
  12  [... ...] and this grant was in ḏ-Nʿr during the kabirate of [... ...]
  13  [... ...] his kabirate and the commitment of [... ...]


DepositṢanʿāʾ, The National Museum
Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 38.5, w. 39.2, th. 10
Link to object record


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areawādī al-Jawf
NotesAccording to Arbach and Schiettecatte 2006 the text probably comes from Baraqish or Maʿīn.
Link to site record


This inscription is a very interesting royal decree of grant. It concerns the attribution of part of a tomb to the family of a king's servant. It seems that this tomb, probably a big edifice because only a fraction is given to this family, was a royal property or, at least, the legal transaction had to be ratified by the king.
The procedure of granting a part of the tomb was administered by an officer (ʿtnyn, probably "the attendant").


Arbach and Schiettecatte 2006: 41-42, pl. 10/29Arbach, Mounir and Schiettecatte, Jérémie 2006. Catalogue des pièces archéologiques et épigraphiques du Jawf au Musée National de Ṣanʿâʾ. Ṣanʿâʾ National Museum. Ṣanʿāʾ: Centre français d'archéologie et de sciences sociales de Ṣanʿâʾ. [Text in French and Arabic]
Bron 2008 a: 298-300Bron, François 2008. Une nouvelle inscription d'un roi de Maʿīn. Aula Orientalis, 26: 298-300.
Rossi 2009: 183-200, pl. IRossi, Irene 2009. Un'iscrizione legale minea relativa alla concessione di una tomba. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 32: 183-200.