Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Ll. 6-28
Ryckmans, Jacques 1980: 185, pl. 1
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyDedicatory text


Ryckmans's distribution of the text on ll. 1-5, lacking in the photograph, is approximate.


   1  Ydm Ydrm w-ʾḫy-hw S¹ʿdʿṯtr bny S¹ḫymm ʾq—
   2  wl s²ʿbn S¹mʿy ṯlṯn ḏ-Hgrm hqnyw ʾlmq—
   3  h-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm ṣlmn ḏ-ḏhbn ḥmdm b-ḏt ḫmr-hmw ʾ—
   4  lmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm s¹twfyn mlk w-nbtt w-ʾtwt m—
   5  rʾy-hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn mlky
   6  S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn bny Frʿm Ynhb mlk S¹bʾ ʿdy b—
   7  [y]tnhn S¹lḥn w-Ġmdn w-ḥmdm b-ḏt ḫmr-hmw ʾlmq—
   8  [h]-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm s²tkrn kl ʾs¹d tnṭʿw b-ʿly mr[ʾy]-
   9  hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn mlky
  10  S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn qblt s¹wʾm w-l-wzʾ ʾlmqh s²kr w-
  11  ḍrʿn w-hkms¹n kl ḏ-ytns²ʾn w-qtbln b-ʿly mrʾ[y]-
  12  hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn mlky [S¹]—
  13  [bʾ] w-ḏ-Rydn w-l-ḫmr-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm wfy
  14  [mrʾy]-hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn mlky
  15  [S¹]bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-wfy ʿbdy-hmw Ydm Ydrm w-ʾḫy-hw
  16  [S¹ʿd]ʿṯtr bny S¹ḫymm w-ḥmdw b-ḏt ḫmr-hmw ʾlm—
  17  [q]h-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm qdmn-hmw ʿdy ʾrḍ s²ʿb-hmw Y[r]—
  18  s¹m ʾbrq ṣdqm mhs²fqm ḏ-hrḍw-hmw w-l-wzʾ ʾ[l]—
  19  mqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm s¹ʿd ʿbdy-hw Ydm Ydrm
  20  [w]-ʾḫy-hw S¹ʿdʿṯtr bny S¹ḫymm ʾwldm ʾḏkrm
  21  [h]nʾm w-ʾṯmr w-ʾfql ṣdqm ʿdy kl ʾs¹rr-hm[w]
  22  w-ms²ymt-hmw w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾw—
  23  [m] ḥẓy w-rḍw mrʾy-hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-
  24  [h]w w-Yʾzl Byn mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn bny Frʿm Ynh—
  25  b mlk S¹bʾ w-l-ḫryn-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm
  26  bn nḍʿ w-s²ṣy w-ġbṭ s²nʾm ḏ-rḥq w-qrb w-ḏ-d—
  27  [ʿ]w w-ḏ-ʾl dʿw w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm
  28  bry ʾḏnm w-mqymtm b-ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm

Ryckmans notes that it is difficult to decide whether the letters in lacuna where at the end of a line or at the beginning of the following one.



   1  Ydm Ydrm and his brother S¹ʿdʿṯtr of the family S¹ḫymm, ʾqwl
   2  of the tribe S¹mʿy, the third of Hgrm, dedicated to ʾlmqh
   3  Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, the statue in bronze in praise because ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, granted them
   4  the safety of the reign, the assumption of office and the accession of
   5  their lords ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn, kings of
   6  Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, sons of Frʿm Ynhb, king of Sabaʾ, in the
   7  palaces S¹lḥn and Ġmdn; in praise because ʾlmqh
   8  Ṯhwn Lords of ʾwm granted them to defeat all the men that had raise against their lords
   9  ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn, kings of
  10  Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, a bad insurrection; may ʾlmqh continue to defeat and
  11  bring to submission and crush anyone who rebels and rises up against their lords
  12  ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn, kings
  13  of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān; may ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, grant them the safety
  14  of their lords ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn, kings
  15  of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, and the safety of their servants Ydm Ydrm and his brother
  16  S¹ʿdʿṯtr, of the family S¹ḫymm; they praised because ʾlmqh
  17  Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, granted them their command in the land of their tribe Yrs¹m
  18  (during) a good and abundant rainy season that satisfied them; may ʾlmqh
  19  Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, continue to grant their servants Ydm Ydrm
  20  and his brother S¹ʿdʿṯtr, of the family S¹ḫymm, male healthy sons
  21  and good crops and harvests in all their valleys
  22  and their fields; may ʾlmqh, Ṯhwn Lord of ʾwm,
  23  grant them the goodwill and the satisfaction of their lords ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother
  24  Yʾzl Byn, kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, sons of Frʿm
  25  Ynhb, king of Sabaʾ; may ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm,
  26  deliver them from the malice and the maleficence and the envy of any enemy, far and near,
  27  they are aware and they are not aware of; may ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, grant them
  28  soundness of faculties and material resources. By ʾlmqh, Lord of ʾwm.


DepositṢanʿāʾ, al-Kuhālī collection (Private collection)
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
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Origin and provenance
Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh Ṯhwn bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


al-Iryānī 1973: 109-113al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 1973. Fī taʾriḫ al-Yaman. Cairo.
Ryckmans, Jacques 1974 a: 502-503Ryckmans, Jacques 1974. Himyaritica 4. Le Muséon, 87: 493-521.
Ryckmans, Jacques 1980: 183-185, pl. 1Ryckmans, Jacques 1980. L'inscription Iryani 18. Raydān, 3: 183-185.
al-Iryānī 1990: 143-147al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 1990. Fī-taʾrīḫ al-Yaman. Nuquš musnadiya wa-taʿliqāt. Ṣanʿāʾ: Markaz al-dirāsāt wa-l-buḥūṯ al-Yamanī.