Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Arbach and Rossi 2020: 33, fig. 8
By kind permission of M. Arbach


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Northern Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueCast
PeriodC. Conjectural
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  Wʿdm bn S¹ʿ(d)m H—
   2  bs²nyn hqny ʾlh-hw
   3  ḏ-S¹mwy (b)-Yġrw ḥg s²f—
   4  t-hw hn yqny-hw b-s²(ṭ)—
   5  rt ṣrḫt-hw ʾ(ḏ) (mṭ)w|
   6  (l)-Qrytm l-wfy-hw w-wf—
   7  y byt-hw w-ʾḫy-h—
   8  w [...]rh w-[.]s¹[..]

4-5The scribal omission of a letter of the verb (y<h>qny-hw) cannot be ruled out (see the commentary to the translation).
Rossi remarks that the reading of last letter of l.4 is problematic. If it is a ṭ, the central bar is very close to the left bar. This differs from the ṭ in the following line, and we cannot rule out the reading s²brt, with the second bar of the b widening towards the bottom. However, since the root S²BR is not attested in ASA, the reading s²ṭrt is more likely.
8Rossi remarks that the reading of l. 8 is highly hypothetical because of the poor state of preservation of the plaque and the mediocre quality of the photograph. In all likelihood, it contains the proper names of the author's brothers (cf. ʾḫy-hw, l. 7-8). After the first word separator, we can read a w or ʿ; the second sign may be s¹, b or another letter with two vertical bars; the third is w or ʿ; the last two letters are r and h. After the second divider: w; n or ḥ; s¹; m, ḍ or b; a sign that looks like a g, but we can't rule out the possibility that it's a very eroded m. It is not clear whether the last circular sign, which is unusually high (below the middle of the height of the letters) is w, ʿ or simply an irregularity in the metal surface.



   1  Wʿdm fils de S¹ʿdm, le
   2  Habashite, a offert (cet objet) à son dieu
   3  dhū-Samāwī à Yaġrū, comme il (le) Lui
   4  avait promis, …
   5  …, quand il a fait une expédition
   6  à Qaryat, pour sa protection et la protection
   7  de sa maison et de ses (deux) frères
   8  [... ...]
Arbach and Rossi 2020: 33Arbach, Mounir and Rossi, Irene 2020. Haram, cité antique du Jawf (Yémen): quelques bribes de dix siècles d'histoire et nouveaux textes amīrites. Semitica et Classica, 13: 19-47. 2024/01/13; https://dx.doi.org/10.1484/J.SEC.5.122979.


Support typeArtefact » Plaque » With framework
Link to object record


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areawādī Shuḍayf
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple Yġrw of ḏ-S¹mwy
NotesThe origin of the plaque is inferred from the content of the inscription.
Link to site record


Arbach and Rossi 2020: 31-35, fig. 8Arbach, Mounir and Rossi, Irene 2020. Haram, cité antique du Jawf (Yémen): quelques bribes de dix siècles d'histoire et nouveaux textes amīrites. Semitica et Classica, 13: 19-47. 2024/01/13; https://dx.doi.org/10.1484/J.SEC.5.122979.