Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

By kind permission of Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien


DepositWien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Sem 133


Support typeArtefact » Plaque » With figurative scene
Measuresh. 7.4, w. 8.5, th. 0.9
Figurative subjectHuman figure
      Part of human bodyComplete figure
      Human gestureStanding
      Human clothes and attributesHeadgear, Long skirt
Figurative subjectAnimal » Lion
      Part of animal bodyComplete figure
      Animal gestureRampant, In heraldic pose
      ViewIn profile
Notes on support and decorationsSmall bronze openwork plaque with the representation of a heraldic composition of a standing man (the hero) between two rampant lions. Those three figures are placed on a thin base; the man, with nude chest and slightly projecting breasts, wears a long skirt and a wide kalathos on his head. The hero is grasping one anterior leg of each lion, while the rampant animals are perfectly specular: their heads are turned towards the exterior and one of their anterior legs is leaning on the man's thigh.


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areaUnknown
Link to site record


The iconographic motive of the so-called “lord of animals” belongs to an Ancient Near Eastern tradition (cf. Invernizzi and Piacentini 2018: 26, fig. 1.61).


Grohmann 1914: 68, fig. 179Grohmann, Adolf 1914. Göttersymbole und Symboltiere auf Südarabischen Denkmälern. (Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 58/1). Vienna: In Kommission bei Alfred Hölder.
Nielsen 1927: 172, fig. 67Nielsen, Ditlef (ed.) 1927. Die altarabische Kultur. Ditlef Nielsen, Handbuch der altarabischen Altertumskunde. 1. Copenhagen: A. Busck.
Daum 1987: 90Daum, Werner (ed.) 1987. Yemen. 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix. Innsbruck: Pinguin / Frankfurt: Umschau. [Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde München, 29 April 1987 to 5 April 1988.]
Catalogue 2000: 384-386, n. 3882000. Yemen. Nel paese della Regina di Saba. Catalogo della Mostra, Palazzo Ruspoli, Fondazione Memmo, Roma 6 Aprile - 30 Giugno 2000. Milan: Skira.
ʿAlī ʿAqīl and Antonini 2007: 235, n. IV.B.1ʿAlī ʿAqīl,ʿAzza and Antonini, Sabina 2007. Bronzi sudarabici di periodo preislamico. Repertorio iconografico sudarabico. 3. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: IsIAO. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]
Invernizzi and Piacentini 2018: 26, fig. 1.61Invernizzi, Antonio and Piacentini, Paola 2018. Il signore degli animali. Un repertorio iconografico tra antico e moderno. («Mnème». Documenti, culture, storia del Mediterraneo e dell'Oriente Antico, 11). Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.