Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Editor: Jérémie Schiettecatte


Ancient nameKhlm
Geographical areaSouthern Jawf
CoordinatesLatitude: 15° 53' 20"    Longitude: 44° 56' 15"    
Coordinates accuracycertain
Type of siteSettlement
TribeLineage: bn ʿdrn
Lineage: bn Mḥwrm
Lineage: bn Ngrm
Lineage: bn Ḥywm
S¹mʿ ḏ-Ẓbyt
StructuresDwelling (indeterminate)
Dwelling (concentrated)
Light hydraulic structure (ex. canal, well)
Small temple
Large temple
Rock inscriptions
Location and toponomyThe site of Jidfir Ibn Munaykhir is located between the low course of wādī Madhāb and wādī Raghwān, downstream and south-east of the valley of Jawf. It is 100 km north of Sana, 70 km north-west of Maʾrib, 20 km south-east of Barāqish, and 36 km from al-Ḥazm.
It is located some kilometres north of the outlet of wādī al-Jufra, on the left bank of wādī al-Qudayr. The site dominates the surrounding plain of 5 or 7 metres.

The identification of the ancient Ktl with the site of Jidfir Ibn Munaykhir was established by G. Garbini (Garbini 1974 ; 1976).
A. al-Garoo, associated the site of Jidfir Ibn Munaykhir with the medieval toponym Rawthān, mentioned by al-Hamdānī as one of the most majestic fortified ancient cities (maḥfad) of Yemen.
History of research1888: discovery by E. Glaser who named the site al-Khulūj.
1980: brief visit by the German archaeological mission (Schmidt 1982, p. 158-160).
1980s: French archaeological mission in Yemen (MAFRAY): plan and study of the rampart (Breton 1994, fig. 83).
General descriptionJidfir Ibn Munaykhir was a small fortified site under the authority of the mukarrib of Sabaʾ.
It extends over 190 m (length) and 150 m (width) ; its surface area is about 2 ha. The surface of the site is covered with several mounds that witness the presence of structures built in stone and mudbricks. Some isolated structures are visible outside the walls.
A rampart following with an irregular layout circumscribes the site. It is composed of rough stones.
The temple of ʾlmqh: a structure in the centre of the city lies on a podium; its walls were partially covered by sculpted alabaster slabs. The presence of fragments of altars, inscriptions, libation tables and a frieze with ibexes suggest the presence of a temple, probably that of ʾlmqh (Schmidt 1982 ; Robin 1996, col. 1159).
The temple of S¹mʿ: a few hundred metres south-east of the city there are the ruins of a pillared building. It could be an extra muros sanctuary dedicated to S¹mʿ ḏ-Ẓbyt. This deity is mentioned in almost all the inscriptions from this site.
The site is surrounded by an ancient cultivated area watered thanks to the deviation of the flood from wādī al-Qudayr. The layout of cultivated plots is still partially preserved and distribution channels have been found (Schmidt 1982, p. 158-160, fig. 4). All inscriptions found on site, excluding those of the temple of ʾlmqh, relate to cultivations (Gl 1521+1520): from the demarcation of plots (Gl 1521+1520), to the construction of canals and sluice gates (Gl 1519, Gl 1526), and to the dedication of properties and channels (Gl 1523, Garbini-Jidda 1 and Garbini-Jidda 2).
ChronologyThe inscriptions and the surface pottery on site indicate an occupation during the period of the Sabaean mukarribs (8th-6th centuries BC): presence of red burnished carinated bowls with (cf type 1511 from Hajar Ibn Ḥumayd - van Beek [éd.] 1969, fig. 94).

The site seems to have been abandoned between the end of the 7th and the 6th century BC. The traces of fire and the ashy layers on the surface may indicate that the site has been abandoned after a violent event.


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west of ad-Dābir (Unknown)




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Schmidt 1982 eSchmidt, Jürgen 1982. Jidfir Ibn Munaykhir. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 1: 158-160.
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