Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Editor: Jérémie Schiettecatte


Ancient nameẒrbn / Ngrn
CountrySaudi Arabia
Geographical areaNajrān
CoordinatesLatitude: 17° 28' 45"    Longitude: 44° 10' 50"    
Coordinates accuracycertain
Type of siteSettlement
TribeTribe: ʾmrm
Tribe: banū al-Ḥārith b. Kaʿb
Tribe: Ḥayyān
Tribe: Ḥnk (nisba for Hnk)
Tribe: Mʿnyn (nisba for Mʿn)
Tribe: Mhʾmrm
Tribe: Ngrn
Tribe: Rgmtm
Lineage: Afʿū
Lineage: ʿAbd al-Madān
Lineage: Gaww
Lineage: Gdnm
Lineage: Grbyn
Lineage: Ḥayyān
Lineage: Ḫll
Lineage: Mlkn
Lineage: Qayfān
Lineage: Ṯʿlbn
Deitiesʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm
ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ
ʿṯtr S²rqn
bʿl Mkntn
ḏ-S¹mwy ʿdy Kʾbtn
ḏ-S¹mwy bʿl Kbtn
ḏ-S¹my bʿl-Mdrn
ḏ-S¹mwy bʿl Ẓr Rgmtm
ḏ-S¹mwy ḏ-Rgmtm
StructuresDwelling (indeterminate)
Dwelling (concentrated)
Light hydraulic structure (ex. canal, well)
Wells, cisterns
Plot of cultivated land
Building with political function
Small temple
Large temple
Paved road
Rock inscriptions
LanguageSabaic, Minaic
Classical sourcesStrabo, Geogr.16, 4, 24 (1st cent. BC): πόλεως Νεγράνων
Pliny the Elder, Nat. Hist. VI, 32, 160 (1st cent. AD): Negrana
Claudius Ptolemy, Geogr. 6.7.37 (2nd cent. AD): Νάγαρα
Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae 23, 6, 47 (4th cent. AD): Nagara


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south of Shiʿb an-Naghra (Unknown)
south-west of Biʾr Ḥimā (Unknown)
south of ʿān-Halkān (Unknown)
south of Nafūd Musammā (Unknown)




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